Sunday, May 31, 2009

Still a virgin.

Remember Natalie Dylan, the girl who was auctioning her virginity online through the famous Bunny Ranch?
The buyer, backed off the deal. He was supposed to pay the $3.8 million, all because of his wife didn't agree with the deal.

Now Natalie Dylan is auctioning her virginity again at the Bunny Ranch, where prostitution is legal.
She felt motivated to auction her virginity to help herself pay for her masters degree. She got inspired by her sister, who was a former member of the Bunny Ranch and paid her school working there for a few weeks.

This is the link to the Bunny Ranch website where she promotes her virginity. These are the times where the value virginity is scarce in the western culture. And every time there are less woman in the world who keep themselves chastise.

For the full article go here!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you who have been visiting my blog, keep showing support by visiting and check back for more updates.

Any suggestions, please email me at

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Barcelona defeated the Manchester United 2-0 with goals of Samuel Eto'o and Lionel Messi, the first goal happened the first ten minutes by Samuel Eto'o, his goal caught with surprise the Manchester United. Then the second goal by Messi sealed the victory for Barcelona.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ouija Board

Surfing the web I found out that Toys' "R" Us is selling the Ouija Board for kids. They consider it as a board game, and the suggested age is for kids from 8-12 years.
Believer or not, I think this is freaky. Kids should not be playing with this artifact.

The Ouija board is also called Spirit board, and consist of a board with the alphabet, a small piece, generally of wood in heart shape with a hole in the middle called planchette. It works as an indicator. The board helps spirits communicate with us, some sort of a portal.

The person asks the question to the board, and places the fingers slightly on the planchette, and then the spirits answer the question spelling it word by word moving the planchette without the persons interaction.

This is the history of the Ouija board.

This website explains the rules of the game.

For a skeptical explanation go to the Skeptics Dictionary.

Real or Not, I think this is something we should not be playing with.

Friday, May 22, 2009

AA Pilot Fails Breath Test

An American Airlines pilot failed a breath test at London's Heathrow Airport. After a rutinary test, he was found under the influence of alcohol.

Thank God they caught him and didn't allow him to pilot that plane, that was supposed to fly from London to Chicago. That could have turned into a tragedy.
What is happening in this world? That is scary.

This is the link to this article.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bank Mistakenly Deposits NZ$10M

A bank in New Zealand deposited NZ$10M by mistake to a couple's account, the couple took part of the money and ran away. The authorities are currently looking for the couple.

Click here to read the story.

Craigslit Attackers

A prostitution ring in Queens NY went down when using Craigslist to promote its business, several people were arrested in a sting operation, they were charged for promoting prostitution and money laundering. Authorities said they will continue doing sting operations to catch more people.

All this came to authorities attention for the recent attacks on two masseuses in Rhode Island. They posted an ad offering personal services, apparently, the reason of the attacks is robbery; they met their costumers in luxury hotels and got robbed and attacked by costumers.

On the other side, Craigslist said they are cooperating with the police, and made the commitment to watch the ads more closely, to avoid more attacks. Recently Craigslist changing the section under Services from Erotic, to Adult.

Check out the Craigslist blog and other related articles.


From: CNN

So, be careful if you are going to solicit Adult services. There are a lot of sting operations going on, and you don't want to get involved in them.

Monday, May 18, 2009

This Week In Pictures

This week in pictures from


China Theme Sex Park Demolished

Chongqing officials in China closed the first sex theme park named Love Land, which was scheduled to open in October, because they found it vulgar and misleading, this is because sex is still taboo in that country, the park was intended to feature giant genitalia, exhibition of naked human sculptures, giving people more knowledge about sex and therefore improving their sex lives.

More on this article at:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Guitar Sensation

Yuto Miyazawa is a talented nine year old kid from Japan who is a master in electric guitar. He recently appeared on Ellen DeGeneres show playing Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train" to perfection.
He became interested in guitar at the age of three, when he saw his father playing it.

Here is the video, enjoy!

Poor Slumdog Millionaire

In Mumbay, India, one of the child stars of winning Oscar movie Slumdog Millionaire was ordered out of his home without previous notice by authorities, his home was built illegally in that area and his family has been living there for 15 years, it is a shame things like this happen.
Movie makers said they are doing the best possible to help out, but child star says they should've treat him better.

For more information about this article click here or simply watch this video:

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Montauk Monster!

On Friday morning, May 15th, an allegedly second Montauk Monster was found in Southold NY by the Hampton's. The first one was found last summer, but soon, it was cataloged a hoax.

It looked like the body of a decomposed rotten raccoon, bloated up and looked like it has been in the water for long time; that is the best explanation given by different sources over the Internet, I'm giving it the benefit of doubt, by posting this pictures and the links to the following websites, so you can draw your own conclusions, is it real or a hoax?

For believers go to:

For non-believers go to:

Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Good news for those of you who like Coldplay, they are offering their new live album named Left Right Left Right Left to download for free on their official website at:


What Happens When You Use a Drill on a Computer Screen?

This is what happens when you drill though a computer LCD screen:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Future in Advertising!

Do you want to see the first ad in 3D without the need of 3D glasses?

If you happen to be in NY, chances are that you might have seen the first 3D ad promoting a Snickers candy bar, if you haven't done that yet go to Hines building at 750 7th Avenue at 50th Street in New York. Just walk by and you will be amazed.

For the full scoop click here.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

F My Life!

If you think your life is f**ckd up and can't deal with it, check out this web site that I found interesting!

It might make you feel better!

Thank you Luciana for your contribution!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day!

What day is Mother's Day going to fall through 2016?

Click this link for the answer!

Happy Mother's Day for all the mothers in the world, specially my mother Solangel M.
Mom, I love You!

Can anybody explain me this?

While I was surfing the internet a couple of days ago, I found a few pictures that don't have any
logical explanation, and wanted to share them with my readers.

Can anybody explain me this? For example, what is that guy in suit doing holding a sewing machine, while there is a UPS car, some cops and an UPS driver in the background? Or what do you tell me about those pipes that go nowhere? I think is funny, but unexplainable!

What's happening in this world?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Swine Flue in Pictures.

This is a summary in high resolution pictures about the swine flue pandemic in the world.

Mexican Player Pretends to Have the Swine Flu, Coughs and Spits at Rival Player!

Mexican soccer player Hector Reynoso, who plays for Mexican soccer club Chivas threatened to infect the swine flu to Chilean player Sebastian Penco who plays at Everton team from Chile at 90th minute in a match that tied 1-1 in "Copa Libertadores" due to a dispute between players from both teams.

I want to emphasize that Mexican players were being discriminated in Chile, and were called lepers, due to the swine flue fear all over the world, that apparently originated in Mexico.

Hector Reynoso later apologized for his actions, but reiterated that he was not going to tolerate any type of discrimination due to the swine flu pandemic. The player was suspended from the "Copa Libertadores" indefinitely.

I give you the video so you can look at it yourselves:

Post by: Giancarlo Hincapie