Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tell Me What's In Your Fridge?

Tell me what's in your fridge and I will tell you what you can cook!
This is a very useful tool, it will help you decide what to cook depending on what you have
in your fridge. Just click on the logo and select the ingredients you have available fom that list.

Post courtesy of:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Luckiest Guy in the World

This guy is the luckiest guy in the world. Check it out!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blockbuster Ghost

Blockbuster ghost. Poor guy, I bet you he peed his pants. This is one of my favorite paranormal videos. He got no choice but to run away. This video confirms that the allegations by employees of a Block Buster movie-rental store in Mexico are real.

The strange things that occur there late at night, include touching on the back of the neck, blows of breath into ears and the flickering of lights.
Do you believe in Paranormal Activity? I do.

BlockBuster Ghost - Click here for another funny movie.

World Record Guitar Speed

This guy can really play very fast and accurate. Check out this clip: Performing "Flight of the bumble bee" You can recognize this song in Kill Bill.

World Record Guitar Speed 2008 Tiago Della Vega - Click here for another funny movie.

Insurance Company Tells Woman to Get Sterilized

Insurance Company Tells Woman to Get Sterilized
This is the story of a woman whose insurance company tells her to get sterilized so she could be elegible for coverage. Because she had a C- Section in the past three years, and because the insurance company could not make a profit out of that. Can you believe this? Click on the link above for the full story.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Elephant Giving Birth

Has anybody seen an elephant giving birth? Check this out!


Can you dance like this? The two are dancing over a piano on the floor. This is called the Big Piano, invented in 1976 by Remo Saraceni. One of them is located in FAO Schwarz Toy Store in 767 5th Avenue @ 58th st. I should go there to try the piano by myself.
The two dancers on this clip got skills.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Many Uses of Vodka

The Many Uses of Vodka

Did you know you can use vodka to remove lipstick from clothing? or to remove the glue left behind by a bumper sticker?. Rub the glue with a soft, clean cloth soaked with vodka. Among others listed in this interesting website.

It is nice and necessary to have a bottle of vodka handy at home. Besides being the perfect liquor, with no odor, no smell, it's great to combine in cocktails.

Courtesy of

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Want Wii HD? Nintendo Says It Wants To Move 'In Step With Technology'

Want Wii HD? Nintendo Says It Wants To Move 'In Step With Technology'

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Voice Actor Impersonating Morgan Freeman and Other Actors

Josh Robert Thompson is a voice actor, and in this video he impersonates various actors specially the voice of Morgan Freeman and Robert De Niro. This guy is awesome. He's been on the Howard Stern show impersonating Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Check out this funny clip.

Bycicle Built for Two Thousand

This sounds weird, but there is this site that put together over 2000 voices of people recorded on the internet assembled to sing the song Daisy Bell.
"Bicycle Built For 2,000 is comprised of 2,088 voice recordings collected via Amazon's Mechanical Turk web service. Workers were prompted to listen to a short sound clip, then record themselves imitating what they heard"
"The song "Daisy Bell," originally written by Harry Dacre in 1892, was
made famous in 1962 by John Kelly, Max Mathews, and Carol Lockbaum as the first example of musical speech synthesis. In contrast to the 1962 version, Bicycle Built For 2,000 was synthesized with a distributed system of human voices from all over the world". It is the song of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Bicycle Built for Two Thousand from Aaron on Vimeo.

This is the link to the site that I am talking about


Bizarre But True Facts About the Earth

This site is dedicated to bizarre facts about earth that we might not know, but are very interesting.
These are few of the facts that you can find on this website.

In 1783 an Icelandic eruption threw up enough dust to temporarily block out the sun over Europe.

About 20 to 30 volcanoes erupt each year, mostly under the sea.

A huge underground river runs underneath the Nile, with six times more water than the river above.

I am amazed about the things we don't know about earth. and knowing these facts make us understand better where do we come from.

Teacher Punches Student

I saw this video clip the other day and I was laughing at it. This teacher has an interesting approach to deal with problem students. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Today is the 57th Anniversary of the Bar Code

The Bar code was invented on Oct 7 1952 in The United States, but the technology took off 20 years after when Laser Sensors were invented. Today on Google's website you can see they replaced the Google logo to a Bar Code that reads Google.
The first product that used a Bar Code was Wrigley's Gum. Now there is a Bar Code for every product available in the market. Those little stripes contain information about the product, price, manufacturer information. etc.

Prove That Physics Really Work

Are you old enough to own a spoon?

Are you old enough to buy a teaspoon? this happened to this house wife when she attempted to buy teaspoons as part of her grocery shop. Apparently in England people have to be 25 or older to buy teaspoons. Here is the link to the site Are you old enough to own a spoon? Woman asked for ID when buying teaspoons in Tesco | Mail Online

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Best Soccer Player In The World

This guy in the following video has a perfect accuracy when it comes to shoot at the ball and get it through obstacles to it's desired destination.

The Best Soccer Player - Better Than Cristiano Ronaldo - These bloopers are hilarious

Monday, October 5, 2009

If You Want to Sing Out Sing Out

There is this song that got stuck in my head, I hear it every day on a commercial promoting the smart phone MyTouch 3G with Google incluided. I really love this song. This song will be part of my Iphone collection. If you want to sing out, sing out by Cat Stevens.

If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out Lyrics


Link of the Day- Foods That Burn Calories

For those of you interested in burning calories, check out the following foods to burn calories.

9 Foods that burn calories.
1 Almonds (no salt)
2 Coffe (black)
3 Cranberries
4 Olive Oil
5 Spinach
6 Skim Milk
7 Apples
8 Carrots
9 Cayenne pepper

Courtesy of

Funniest Knockout Ever!!!

In MMA there is a lot of competition, and the fighters give their maximum effort to win a match by knocking out the opponent. I have seen quick knock outs, withing seconds, but never a quick and double knock out. This is unique this is the Funniest Knockout Ever!!!

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Stop the Slaughter of Dolphins!

Stop the slaughter of dolphins in Japan. Every year in the little town of Taiji in Japan, about 2000 dolphins are slaughtered just to sell their meat, even though the warnings about the levels of toxic mercury in the dolphins meat. The Japanese government tries to keep it a secret.

I just want to raise awareness before is too late. We as human beings, with total control of out actions should take care of the earth and all the living creatures that inhabit this beautiful planet. We all need to express our opinion against such acts. It is indignant how governments allow this to happen, and the worst is that we allow this to happen and don't do anything about it.
Here is a link with full coverage about this matter: Sea of blood as Japan slaughters thousands of dolphins.

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How Terminator Should End

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Awkward Family Portraits

Just when I was going to hit my bed, I found this site where it shows awkward family portraits, I was cracking up watching them pose using different themes. And now I'm not sleepy anymore. What were they thinking?
Here is the link to the site.
I refuse to pose in a family portrait like that. Poor children. Oh my, What is happening in this world?
Thanks to the person that collected this pictures!

Rio to Host the Olympic Games

Congratulations to Brazil for getting to host the Olympic Games on 2016. I know they will do a great job and they will be the first South American country to host the Olympic Games. They made history.
Unfortunately USA didn't get to host it this time, maybe in the near future. I can imagine the disappointment in Obama for not getting what he was looking for.
Now, I ask myself this question. Will Brazil be able to recover it's economy by hosting the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games? Not that I care, but it's just a question that came to my mind.
Here is a video clip that shows the moment they chose Rio De Janeiro to host the Olympic Games.