Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bill Clinton's Success in North Korea

I admire Ex-President Bill Clinton for all his diplomatic achievements. Especially when he got Laura Ling and Euna Lee's freedom.

On his trip to North Korea, after conversations with Kim Jong Il. Clinton successfully persuaded Kim Jong Il to forgive the two American journalists for crossing the North Korean border illegally and return with him back home to the United States.

In a previous
post I talked about the reality of labor camps in some places in the world, especially North Korea.
I am surprised about the way Bill Clinton convinced Kim Jong Il to free them, I don't know what they talked about, but whatever Clinton said really worked.

"Obviously I am very happy and relieved to have these two young women, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, on the way home to their families" said Bill Clinton on an economic forum in Kenya.
All America is happy to receive the two journalists. We also have to recognize the Obama's administration for facilitating this meeting.

Bill Clinton is somebody to be proud of.
Let's hope the same way Kim Jong Il was accesible and granted forgiveness to the two journalists, he stops producing atomic bombs.

Check out CNN's coverage here.
Why North Korea wanted Bill Clinton to negotiate the two journalist freedom?

Photo Courtesy of

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