Monday, January 4, 2010

Guy Claims HP Computers Are Racist!

This Afro-American guy claims HP computers are racist. Because the computer's Facial-Recognition Software installed and the camera doesn't work on him. What the camera does is it follows the subject's face and auto focus in it. So if the subject moves to the right, then the camera follows him to the right, same as left, also back and forward. The algorithm is programed to follow the brightest spots of the face, like the eyes, and the chics and chin, to be able to detect movement. But, when this guy steps into the picture, the camera doesn't work like it should be. But the second Wanda gets in the picture the camera starts doing it's function.  With no more ado I present you the video so you can see by yourself what I am talking about.

So after this video came out on the Internet, now everybody claims that HP printers are racist too:

Is there a conspiracy going on here? Is HP Corporation racist? Is this guy looking for ghosts where they don't exist? What is happening in the world?

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