Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Reality of Anti Personal Mines.

I know this might not concern you, or you might never be affected by this flagellum, but I wanted to talk about Anti Personal mines, so you are aware of this situation and learn a little bit.
Anti Personal mines are a reality in some countries like Afghanistan, Turkey, India, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Chechnya, Cambodia, Colombia.

These Anti Personal mines are planted by terrorist groups in certain areas. These mines don't distinguish between people who have nothing to do with the conflict and people that is involved.
In Latin America, Colombia is the only country where these mines are still being used, by guerrillas such as FARC which in English would be (Armed and Revolutionary Forces of Colombia) and ELN (Army of National Liberation). Gaining Colombia the number one place affected by Anti Personal mines in the world.
The sad thing is when innocent people like farmers and kids step on them, causing the mines to explode making them lose their limbs, and in the worst of the cases their lives. Also, soldiers are victims of Anti Personal mines. It is estimated that about a %20 of victims are civilians, being %14 kids under the ages of 15.
Each day, in the world three people steps on a mine.

Nowadays there are groups world wide who fight to eradicate, these Anti Personal mines. Colombian singer Juanes is one of the main exponents dedicated to help this cause.
To join the Facebook group of Anti Personal mines click here and make a difference.
This short video shows an explosion of an Anti Personal mine.

So, go figure, and think, how bad this is, we must stop it. (The guy in the video says "Nice", but, trust me, is not).

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